For: Raptors especially the migration of Swainson's Hawks plus local and migrating birds of Central Mexico.
Leaders: John Mercer (484-459-2062,
Note1: The primary target of this trip is to view the amazing raptor migration in Veracruz, Mexico. This is the count site for the "River of Raptors", the largest raptor migration in the world. Swainson's Hawks make up the majority of the migrants but many other hawk species will be moving with them. Besides going to the hawk watches, local guides from Pronatura (the nonprofit that runs the raptor counts in Veracruz) will take us to several other locations to find birds. Some of these are Juan Angel beach, Villa Rica Lagoon, the Quiahuixtlan ruins, Highlands of Perote, and Las Barrancas, a grassland and wetlands. A visit to the Museum of Anthropology of Xalapa and boat trip on la Antigua river are included. Some of the birds that may be found include Aplomado Falcon, Blue Mockingbird, Bearded Wood-partridge, Blue-capped Motmot, Green Jay, Elegant Euphonia, Red Warbler, Golden-browed Warbler, Crescent-chested Warbler, Lucifer Hummingbird, Mexican Violetear, Mountain Trogon, Olivaceus Woodcreeper, Black-headed Nightingale Thrush, Yellow Headed Parrot, Lineated Woodpecker and Canivet's Emerald.
Note2: This trip will be limited to 12 participants and has a minimum of 6 participants. Costs will be dependent on the number of participants. Early registration with the leader is important. If you are interested in doing this trip, even if you are not sure, please let the leader know as soon as possible so we save the correct number and mix of rooms before they sell out. There is time to cancel the reservations if you change your mind, but may not be a chance to add any if you decide to go last minute.
Note3: Price range estimate. The price includes hotels, food and drinks except alcohol and transportation. It does not include tips for the guides, driver or maids if you are so inclined. Needless to say, I would like to get this to 10 people, it is a fantastic trip, that you can learn more about on May 1 when I give my presentation Veracruz, The River of Raptors with Hawk Mountain to the WCBC. If you have any interest in raptors, this is a trip you should do at least once in your lifetime.
10-12 people Single: $2900, Double $2700
8-9 people: Single 3500 Double $3300
6-7 people: Single $4700 Double $4400
The Veracruz River of Raptors Success Story
Veracruz River of Raptors