Since in-person meetings are not yet being held, merchandise is only available by mail.  Unless specified add $2.50 for postage.
Contact:  John Mercer  ( County Bird Guide

Chester County Birds: A Site Guide and Annotated List

The fifth edition of Chester County Birds describes the status of Chester County birds as of April 2012.  It includes an annotated list, a map of birding locations and descriptions of the Chester County birding sites, a table of the arrival and departure dates and a species index along with a field checklist.  The book is spiral bound, 8.5 X 11 inches and 122 pages.

$10.00 for members
$12.00 for non-members
Postage if it is to be mailed:  $6.00

Three sample pages from Chester County Birds:

chestercountybirdsguide2 chestercountybirdsguide1chestercountybirdsguide3










Patch   $2.00





Auto Decals  $2.00
These are held in place with static and are easy to remove.




Lapel Pin Lapel PinLapel Pins  $3.00
Having an extra to share with new friends that you meet on your travels is a nice idea.