Bling For Birds: An Overview of Songbird Banding
Bling For Birds: An Overview of Songbird Banding
Victoria Sindlinger
Longtime volunteer bander Victoria Sindlinger will share the process and importance of migratory songbird banding. We will learn about what questions bird banding can answer, as well as walk through the entire process from capture to data-gathering to release.
Victoria has enjoyed nature and in particular birds from a very young age. She is a devoted volunteer at Rushton Woods Preserve, where she has been participating in both songbird and saw-whet owl banding since 2015. In September of 2021, Victoria had the honor of joining the eBird review team in September 2021 for Philadelphia County. Of all her birding interests, she is particularly fervent about conservation, especially in regards to educating the public on how bird collisions with glass can be prevented. This passion led to the creation of “Hope in the Night,” which is an art installment honoring birds and their power to inspire change. Most recently, to extend her outreach efforts for conservation, Victoria has begun working toward a wildlife permit to own and handle raptors for educational purposes. Outside of all things birds, she also enjoys social dancing, travel, leather working, and opera.
Note: This meeting will be held in person at the meeting house and via Zoom. Zoom signon will start at 7:15 to enable the meeting to begin at 7:30.