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Chester County Parks Birding Series: #1 – Warwick County Park

For: Early spring migrants such as Louisiana Waterthrush

Place: 191 County Park Rd., 8:00 a.m.

Leader: John Mercer (484-459-2062,, Patty & John Werth (

Note: The Chester County Parks system has seven wonderful parks which provide excellent birdwatching opportunities.  Join us as we explore all seven of the parks, one per month, in 2024.

The 535-acre Warwick County Park in northern Chester County includes dense hardwood forest, wetlands, meadows, and riparian areas along a section of French Creek, an "exceptional value" stream. This diversity provides excellent habitat for birds. This 1.5 to 2 hour walk on mainly flat (and possibly muddy) terrain on unpaved trails will cover approximately 2 miles. A modern restroom is on site. This walk is a collaboration of WCBC and Valley Forge Audubon Society
Directions: From the intersection of Routes 100 and 23, proceed west on Route 23 for 3.4 miles. Turn left onto County Park Road (entrance is somewhat hidden) and continue 0.3 miles to the entrance to Warwick County Park, on the left. Follow the drive to the last parking lot on the left.