For: The birds that inhabit this rare meadow terrain, such as Chat, Prairie and Blue-winged Warbler.
Place: 165 Center Rd. Douglasville, PA (Lat/Long: 40.24705, -75.79200)
Leaders: Jared Brandt (, and Sheila Martin (610-858-6005,
Note: Join West Chester bird club and State Park Staff for a morning of birding along the ADA accessible Hopewell Big Woods trail. During the walk we will be spotting the birds that inhabit this rare meadow terrain. This trail is plentiful with indigo buntings, yellow breasted chats, and summer season warblers such as prairie and blue winged warblers. This is the best time of year to get a view of these birds! The walk will be easy terrain with some inclines. Binoculars provided for participants who do not have any.
Directions: The most direct route is to take Rt 100 N to Rt 724 W then, just before entering Birdsboro, go left on Center Rd to parking on the left. Do not use the website below for directions, they will take you to the wrong place.