New to Birding?
West Chester Bird Club’s tips to help you get started or improve your birding skills
Bird Photography
Links to websites that can help you improve your digital bird photography
Where to Bird
Where to find birds in Chester County and the Mid-Atlantic States
The West Chester Bird Club was founded in 1910, making it one of the oldest continually active bird clubs in the United States. We are based in West Chester, the county seat of Chester County, in southeast Pennsylvania. In addition to field trips and Monday evening meetings with programs, the club participates in the National Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count, winter feeder counts, the Pennsylvania Migration Count and local breeding bird counts. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in birds. No previous birding experience is necessary.
The Mission of the West Chester Bird Club is to create a community of people who are interested in observing and enjoying wild birds through educational programs, field trips, and the sharing of experiences and photographs. Our goal is to expand individual interest in the study of wild birds and the protection and conservation of their natural habitat. Additionally the club contributes to other similarly-minded organizations that provide conservation, rehabilitation, or educational services pertaining to wild birds.
Upcoming Field Trips
Upcoming Meeting Programs
Our meetings are held at the West Chester Friends’ Meeting House
425 North High Street, West Chester PA
Recordings of previous programs can be found here.